Matching engine
ScaleTrade platform is built around an efficient orders allocation algorithm also known as a matching engine. A Matching Engine is the core mechanic of a digital exchange which matches up bids and offers to execute trades. The ME algorithm keeps a record of all open orders in a market and generates new trades if the two orders can be fulfilled by each other.

Ultra-fast and reliable Matching Engine is the most important component of our ScaleTrade Terminal

Our matching engine is one of the fastest and the most robust matching engine technology for the retail forex

The matching engine is unquestionably a key component to “build trust” in our new generation trading platform. We have been investing a great deal of our time and resources to improve our current matching engine algorithms and to provide the best possible orders allocation to our client at the fairest price. Our ScaleTrade is one of the fastest and the most robust matching engine technology for the Forex market and cryptocurrencies. It has exhibited technical superiority with:

- Execution speed of over 10,000 transactions per second;

- Less than 3 milliseconds of execution latency.

So purchasing our ScaleTrade terminal for brokers, you will get the first class functionality, speed, responsiveness, flexibility with the main ability to open up and calculate margin deals.
